Hey gang, hope all is well. If you’ve been reading our paper recently (like you should be!), you probably noticed it’s been an interesting few days or so here at the Daily. Also of some interest:
Body found in Mississippi in downtown: The Star Tribune reports that a body was found near the Third Avenue Bridge at around 11 a.m. Police have yet to determine if the person is male or female. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office will perform an autoposy. It is not known if foul play was involved.
Favre? Probably the most buzzed about local story of the day is the expected meeting between retired (?) quarterback Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings to discuss the possibility of having No. 4 suit up in purple. Well, MinnPost would like to know, via Twitter, what your marketing campaign would be for a Favre-filled Vikings lineup.
Handshake? No thanks in Oshkosh: The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh has decided to forego the time-honored tradition of shaking graduating seniors’ hands as a H1N1 flu precaution, the Star Tribune also reports. About 1,400 seniors are expected to attend the school’s May 16 commencement.