As the time limit on its temporary accommodations approached, the International Student and Scholar Services Office moved once again.
In its second move in just over a year, the office opened for business Tuesday after relocating to the West Bank’s Humphrey Center on Monday.
Because of mold and fungus problems in its former home in Nicholson Hall, the office had moved into temporary space on the sixth floor of the Mayo Memorial Building, where it operated for almost a year.
The office staff, which advises, counsels and plans programming for 4,100 international students, researchers and faculty, notified newly admitted students of the move in mid-July.
In order to avoid a move during fall quarter start up, the staff chose to move before their required exit date of mid-September arrived.
The office staff is spread out between the Humphrey Center, the Management & Economics building and Blegen Hall because of limited space in their new facilities. Thomas said the staff has yet to find out if their dispersal hampers office production.
“We had a lot of space in the old place. This is smaller, but we’ll be able to manage,” said Kay Thomas, office director.
Christelle Cimbura, document specialist for the office, said several students had already visited the new facilities for advising sessions after the doors opened Tuesday morning. Cimbura said a few students commented positively on the new accommodations.
“I was surprised they were so excited about it,” Cimbura said.
Cimbura said students understand frequent office transitions happen at the University. Staff members said the students need to use the office’s resources, so they will find it regardless of how often it moves.
“This office is an absolute essential for them,” said Pat Tollefson, international student services assistant.
Thomas said despite the significantly larger population of students on the East Bank, the sizable number of international students in the Law School and the Carlson School of Management will find the new West Bank location convenient.
The office will keep a satellite office in its former location to direct students to the new facilities until October. University owners’ representative Roger Wegner said the psychiatry department will take over the space for six months, upon which time the offices will become the new semi-permanent home of the medical school administration.