Katrina Bailey
A survey was sent out earlier in the year for people to complete.
Minneapolis’ music scene is disproportionately white and older, according to recently released results from the city’s census of the music scene.
About 2,300 participated in the census from April 12 through May 6, 2024, reflecting the musicians, promoters, venue operators and more that make up the music scene in Minneapolis.
The Women’s Club of Minneapolis held the Sound Census release event Wednesday to share the results and get input from community members and musicians.
At the event, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said he was skeptical of this census at first but overall agreed it would help better understand Minneapolis’ assets.
“There will be no comeback of Minneapolis without art. There will be no rejuvenation of our city,” Frey said. “Not just getting back to the old normal, but blowing by the old normal to get to something truly transformational without all of you. You are going to lead to this rejuvenation of the city.”
Director of Minneapolis’ Arts and Cultural Affairs Department Ben Johnson said this is the first census since the department has only been around for a year.
“We jumped on the opportunity as soon as we heard about it,” Johnson said.
Community members voiced their concerns at the event about the race and age demographics of the Minneapolis music scene that were released in the census.
While 9% of Minneapolis’ population is Black, only 3% of census respondents were.
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