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Young Wolves living as pros at a college age

Part of the the youngest team in the league, a number of Timberwolves players would still be in school had they stayed and graduated.
Minnesota Timberwolves Kevin Love, left, is congratulated by Michael Beasley after a shot in the second half of an NBA basketball game Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 in Minneapolis. Love scored 31 points and had 31 rebounds while Beasley scored 35 to lead the Timberwolves in their 112-103 win over the New York Knicks.  (AP Photo/Jim Mone)
Minnesota Timberwolves’ Kevin Love, left, is congratulated by Michael Beasley after a shot in the second half of an NBA basketball game Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 in Minneapolis. Love scored 31 points and had 31 rebounds while Beasley scored 35 to lead the Timberwolves in their 112-103 win over the New York Knicks. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

Kevin Love and Michael Beasley sit side-by-side in a Minneapolis gym. Suddenly, Love does the unthinkable. He stands up and hits Beasley in the face, at a speed somewhere between a slap and a smack. â脛煤He busted my lip,â脛霉 Beasley says, so he runs after Love, jumps on his back and gives him a noogie. Yes, a noogie. That classic playground tactic. Only this isnâ脛么t a pick-up game on some random court; Beasley and Love are rising NBA stars. If they occasionally still act like kids, well, itâ脛么s because they are. At 22, Beasley and Love arenâ脛么t even the youngest players on the NBAâ脛么s youngest team. The Wolves opened the 2010-11 season with an average age of 24 years, 84 days. Instead of attending college and pursuing a degree â脛卯 which, if not exceptionally talented some of them might still be doing â脛卯 these athletes are fulfilling their dreams. But itâ脛么s not all fun and games for these college-age millionaires. A life-changing decision Third-year players Beasley, Love and Kosta Koufos all came into the league following one year of college. Jonny Flynn entered the draft after two years, rookie Wesley Johnson after three (two at Iowa State, one at Syracuse). All have different stories, but one thing in common. â脛煤Opportunity,â脛霉 Johnson said as he explained why he didnâ脛么t return for his senior season at Syracuse. â脛煤I just think it was an opportunity for me just to go capture my dream.â脛霉 Some of the Wolves said the decision to leave college was easy. Others â脛卯 like Corey Brewer, who went back for his junior year at Florida and won a second consecutive national title â脛卯 said it was a little more difficult to leave college life behind. Either way, sometimes the money is just too hard to resist. The Wolves took Johnson, 23, fourth overall in the 2010 NBA draft. In his rookie season heâ脛么s making $3.7 million, a figure many of the 50,000-plus students at the University of Minnesota, as they enter a depleted job market, would be happy to reach in their lifetime. Beasleyâ脛么s salary for this season, his first with the Wolves, is just shy of $5 million, and the 21-year-old Flynn is making $3.1 million this season. â脛煤I lucked up,â脛霉 Flynn said. â脛煤I like to say I hit the lotto.â脛霉 Many draft analysts have projected Gophers sophomore forward Rodney Williams as a potential NBA talent during his freshman season, but he came back as a sophomore because â脛煤youâ脛么ve got to know whatâ脛么s best for you and whatâ脛么s best for your future.â脛霉 Recently, though, the league has taken some of the decision-making power out of the hands of the athletes. Starting with the 2005-06 season, the NBA Players Association passed a provision in its collective bargaining agreement that said all drafted players must be 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft and at least one year removed from high school. Sebastian Telfair came to the NBA straight out of high school. Now in his seventh season and having played for five teams, Telfair wishes the rule had been in place before he entered the draft in 2004. â脛煤At the time, you really donâ脛么t understand the significance of college basketball and all that kind of stuff that you could get out of it,â脛霉 Telfair said. â脛煤The thing that makes me want to change my decision is I know Iâ脛么ll never get a chance to play at that level. No matter what I do I can never play at that level, so hopefully my son can get to that level and play there for me.â脛霉 Beasleyâ脛么s story might have mirrored Telfairâ脛么s, had he actually had the option. He grew up in a poverty-stricken family in Maryland, so when his first season at Kansas State came to a close, â脛煤my decision was pretty easy.â脛霉 â脛煤I wasnâ脛么t the most fortunate kid in the world, so it was just a better opportunity for my family, for my younger brothers and sisters, to put [them] through college.â脛霉 Loveâ脛么s decision became easier after an outstanding freshman season at UCLA in which the Bruins advanced to the 2008 Final Four. Some of Loveâ脛么s teammates â脛卯 now-pros Russell Westbrook and Luc Mbah a Moute â脛卯 planned on leaving, so he opted to join them. By the time Love signed with an agent, he knew he would be drafted no later than seventh overall, he said. â脛煤I still miss college to this day,â脛霉 said Love, who was taken fifth in 2008 by Memphis and immediately traded to the Wolves. â脛煤Itâ脛么s a little bittersweet because obviously I was achieving a goal of my entire life, making the NBA and getting to share this experience with my family. But I still miss my buddies and getting to see them on a daily basis and being a part of that college atmosphere and that college team.â脛霉 Making the grade Wolves coach Kurt Rambis said he wouldnâ脛么t have made it in the NBA right out of high school, and he didnâ脛么t even make it after four years of college at Santa Clara. After drafting Rambis in 1980, the New York Knicks waived him, so he played professionally in Greece for a year to hone his skills. â脛煤Physically, maturity-wise, emotionally, I could not have come into the NBA at the age of 18,â脛霉 said Rambis, who eventually played 14 years in the NBA. â脛煤If I wouldâ脛么ve come out of high school, I couldnâ脛么t have done it. Physically I couldnâ脛么t have done it.â脛霉 And thatâ脛么s what a general manager must decide: whether itâ脛么s worth risking millions of dollars on the maturity and skill of a 19-year-old. â脛煤Thereâ脛么s no rule attached to it,â脛霉 Wolves second-year GM David Kahn said of considering age in drafting players, â脛煤but I think you have to factor that into it. And just as age is important, I think years in college, who they played for; all that â脛¦ gets funneled into the decision-making process.â脛霉 Kahn said that players like Johnson and Flynn have had early struggles because their defensive scheme at Syracuse, a 2-3 zone, didnâ脛么t prepare them for the NBA, where most teams employ a man-to-man defense. Intelligence and learning capabilities also play a role in where players are drafted in the NBA and in other sports. Athletes must go through a detailed interview process that gauges whether they will be able to make the transition, Kahn said. â脛煤Itâ脛么s not only so much how theyâ脛么ll make it because most of them do,â脛霉 Kahn said. â脛煤Itâ脛么s how long will it take; how long are you willing to wait?â脛霉 A tough transition For college students, the early morning hours are often reserved for late-night cramming, but for NBA players, thatâ脛么s prime traveling time â脛卯 and not by choice. Flynn said he sometimes has to take 30 seconds to remember what city heâ脛么s in, mentioning the constant travel as the most difficult transition. In college, teams typically play twice a week with three or four days between games. The only time they play back-to-back days is during tournaments. NBA teams normally play three or four games per week, sometimes as many as five games in seven days. The 82-game regular season is more than double the collegiate regular season. The transition is also tough off the court when players leave the â脛煤false realityâ脛霉 of college, as Flynn puts it. â脛煤College isnâ脛么t real life, but youâ脛么re taking a step from your parentsâ脛么 home to college,â脛霉 Flynn said. â脛煤That false sense of reality, thatâ脛么s the best thing about college.â脛霉 Now the best thing, some of the Wolves said, is having free time, but it can also be dangerous to have less structure. â脛煤Youâ脛么ve got money, temptations and youâ脛么ve got a lot of time on your hands, and thatâ脛么s where some players can get into trouble,â脛霉 Rambis said. Since most of the players are the same age, they spend a lot of time together off the court, which helps avoid some trouble. Beasley and Martell Webster both have music studios in their houses where Flynn said he and others rap sometimes. But Beasley said everyone has to be cautious about the people with whom they surround themselves because of the fame and fortune. â脛煤Once you get a couple dollars, everybody wants to feel like [theyâ脛么re] your best friend,â脛霉 Beasley said. â脛煤Youâ脛么ve got to stay on your Ps and Qs.â脛霉 There were also the lonely nights. Love played a full season before turning 21, so when players said, â脛煤Hey, come have a drink with us,â脛霉 he had to decline. â脛煤For me it was a lot of nights staying in my hotel room, staying at home not doing much,â脛霉 Love said. Growing together The 10-32 Wolves are still among the NBAâ脛么s worst teams. Theyâ脛么ve given away leads late in many of their games, which is a danger with young teams in most sports. However, the young group wouldnâ脛么t want to see anyone else after a losing battle. â脛煤Youâ脛么re going a while without winning any games, and itâ脛么s tough,â脛霉 Flynn said. â脛煤But when you come into this locker room youâ脛么ve got these young guys always joking around, so it kind of eases that pain up.â脛霉 Many of the players on the Wolves are stuck on the downtrodden team because they had the skills to be drafted in the lottery. If they were a little worse, they could have been drafted to a contender. â脛煤I think itâ脛么s better this way,â脛霉 Johnson said. â脛煤We can grow and go through our learning pains together â脛¦ Itâ脛么s easy when you have veterans on your team that could just bail us out. Itâ脛么s a benefit of a young team you can learn together.â脛霉

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