Burnout is a staple of the college experience and accompanies me through each spring semester with an unfortunate level of reliability. This...

As streaming continues to be the main line of entertainment, we’re rediscovering old media treasures from another time. From visiting vinyl...

This week marks a controversial holiday. Whether or not you think love is in the air, it’s certainly on most of our minds. We tend to generally...

You asked, we answered. After in-depth deliberation, our opinions desk is here to present you with life-altering dating advice. Please take our...

Published February 18, 2025
On Oct. 21, 2024, the Students for a Democratic Society called a protest to condemn the University of Minnesota administration’s refusal to...

Why is the Minnesota Daily promoting Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs)? These deceptive businesses collect taxpayer money while purposely misleading...

Wren: Hey Vivian! Now that we’re back from winter break, we have a lot of news to talk about! I have to admit, keeping up with the news over...

Believe it or not, we all survived to the last week of November. Give yourself a pat on the back for that. In a month that featured both...

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this editorial do not represent the Minnesota Daily’s newsroom and are not necessarily representative...

It’s that time of year again. The beauty of winter has been largely erased. The once snow-flurried visage of snowglobe-like beauty that...

Like many young girls, I attended the same Girl Scout Camp for 10 years — first as a camper and now as a counselor — and the craft house...