Walking the same path as former University of Minnesota student Bob Dylan, actor Timothée Chalamet visited sites in Dinkytown and around the campus Thursday ahead of the premiere of his Dylan biographical...
The much-anticipated film adaptation of the 2003 musical “Wicked” officially released in theaters this Friday, and it's nothing we haven’t seen before.The film, directed by Jon M. Chu, is definitely...
Returning to the height of the Roman Empire, Ridley Scott’s sequel “Gladiator II” is another blockbuster with a cast full of stars, intricate costumes and exciting battles, which makes it disappointing...
Sean Baker’s “Anora” explores the double-edged sword of transactional relationships. In this screwball dramedy, Anora, played by Mikey Madison, is a sex worker from Brooklyn who does not have...
University of Minnesota professor Lynn Lukkas will show her first feature film, “Claire Facing North” at The Main Cinema on Oct. 29. The showing is part of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film...
As we near the harrowing date of All Hallows’ Eve, let us take a moment to appreciate the history and artistry of horror cinema.Below is a curated list of some of the best horror films, recommended...
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