Each student is given an adviser once they make it to orientation. This moment marks the creation of a relationship that will ultimately shape an entire college experience and, from that, a potential career and an array of life choices. Clearly advising is incredibly important; students rarely come in to their freshman year knowing the tricks and trades of departments, degree requirements or student accounts — yet this is information that is invaluable to students throughout college and information that can heavily rely on a solid, longstanding adviser-student relationship.
When an adviser leaves students behind for other jobs or educational opportunities, students’ information, plans and basic necessities can be lost in the chaos. Everyone has heard the horror stories from students with advising problems — students have to deal with life-changing consequences, such as dropped classes, missed degree requirements or financial mistakes — many of which are the result of an adviser changing their employment status or not having proper communication with students about leaving.
Thus, at the University of Minnesota, advisers need to format a system where advisers who know they are leaving in advance can wean out their responsibilities and obligations in order to not leave a trail of loose ends of student problems, concerns and questions. Doing so would uphold the importance of the advising position, which can mold and sculpt students’ lives, and give proper respect to students who need significant advising in order to be successful at the University.