Slash had a pellet gun in his hand and peered out of the second floor bathroom window at Bushwood Country Club. “I’m squirrel hunting,” he told Elmo. Elmo was stunned. Since Slash had turned straightedge he had lost his desire to hunt. “I’m gonna capture it, love it, pet it and call it my own,” he continued.”Too bad it’s mostly sunny today with the high in the middle 20s. Tuesday it’ll be cloudy with the high in the middle to upper 20s. I’ll never catch a squirrel in this weather.” Elmo tried to reason with Slash, but nothing worked. It was then Elmo noticed an empty bottle of Vodka resting behind Slash. Mr. Straightedge was intoxicated. Just then he opened fire upon a varmint.
Slash’s big decision
Published November 11, 1996