The latest ethics scandal at the University of Minnesota involving the dean of the medical school and a faculty member she appointed to review and improve ethical practices who turned out to have a whopping and profitable conflict of interest, himself, underscores the need for a president who is more interested in the academic side of University life than in the athletic side. This all happened on President Robert BruininksâÄô watch, and one hopes he learned something about how to properly do his job at the Insight Bowl and will give us taxpayers our $700,000-a-year moneyâÄôs worth âÄî his annual salary. (Maybe the University should establish an Oversight Bowl at its new, needless, wasteful football stadium.) It behooves The Minnesota Daily âÄî and other media, if they have the guts to do it âÄî to report to its readers and the public in general the procedures for removing faculty at various levels up to and including the president for alleged misfeasance, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, incompetence, etc. We must not allow another ethics scandal to occur on anyoneâÄôs watch at our once-proud University. Willard B. Shapira University alumnus
Responsible spending
Published January 19, 2009