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America under martial law

A revolution against the central banks is exactly what financiers are expecting.

I concluded my last column, âÄúBanking on revolution,âÄù by stating, âÄúAmerica, the first modern country built from the ashes of rebellion, will surely be at the heart of the movement to reclaim fiscal sovereignty for its constituents. After all, our people have proven time and again that they are too clever and imbued with the history of revolution to stand for such outrageous injustices.âÄù However, financial uprising would not mark the end of popular struggle. What will happen after the upheaval dies down? Although it may sound like a complete divorce from common sense, in actuality, what the banks want most and are currently preparing for is mayhem on the part of the people. How could this be? What could a relatively small group of financiers possibly do to suppress the havoc that will undoubtedly soon be wreaked by the rest of the world? After the phase of insurrection is complete, it is suspected by Constitutionalists such as the late Lysander Spooner, a lawyer and entrepreneur, that U.S. citizens will be enslaved by the federal government and their fiscal overlords, starting with the health care bill. While the subject is definitely controversial, the vast majority of people in this country are angered and sickened by the astronomical costs of medical treatments. Thus, the idea of reform in this area may sound brilliant. The fine print of the health care proposal, conversely, has absolutely nothing to do with fixing medicinal mores in the United States. Instead, the document represents one of the final steps international banks are taking via the U.S. government to ensure total power over the constituency. The Wall Street JournalâÄôs David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey reported, âÄúFederal legislation requiring that every American have health insurance would expand the [presidentâÄôs] authority over individual Americans to an unprecedented level.âÄù To quote James Madison in the Federalist Papers: âÄú[I]n the first place, it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Federal law must be grounded in one of the specific grants of authority founded in the Constitution.âÄù Examples of these endowments of power would be coining money and appointing public ministers. In addition to an anticipated expansion of federal dominance through the health care measure, the government consistently reviews the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, with the supposed intention of overturning it so as to remove the peopleâÄôs agency to arm themselves against its unchecked influence. For example, there are now âÄúmore than 20,000 state and federal laws regulating every aspect of the [Second Amendment], a definite infringement,âÄù in the words of Constitutionalist and Purple Heart recipient Michael LeMieux. According to âÄúThe Second Amendment Controversy Explained,âÄù written by Theodore L. Johnson, âÄúVirginiaâÄôs ratification letter for the U.S. Constitution included the following: The people have a right to keep and bear arms; a well-regulated Militia composed of the body of the people trained to arms is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free state.âÄù By taking away our capacity to defend the inalienable rights of the American public, the leadership of this country will essentially leave us powerless to fight its authoritarian command executed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA is most commonly known as AmericaâÄôs disaster relief bureau, but in reality, it is an unregulated government office that has the ability to instigate martial law. Sheila Samples, an Oklahoma freelance writer and a former civilian U.S. Army Public Information Officer, states in her editorial, âÄúBy any other name, FEMA remains this nationâÄôs âÄòsecret government,âÄô with powers to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant, hold citizens without a trial, seize control of all transportation and communications systems and suspend the U.S. Constitution. [It] was created outside of Constitutional law via a President John Kennedy Executive Order and is subject to no congressional oversight.âÄù With agencies like FEMA in place, as well as statutes such as George BushâÄôs PATRIOT Act, the stage is largely set for martial law to be implemented by the federal government. While the PATRIOT Act authorizes public officials âÄúto track and intercept communications,âÄù it also permits âÄúthe Secretary [of the treasury] by regulation or order [to] exempt any financial institution or type of account from the requirements of any regulation prescribed under subsection [A of Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act].âÄù When chaos finally does ensue in this country, the government and multinational bankers are counting on the fact that people will be begging them to restore order. Nevertheless, this is an urge we must resist at all costs in order to avoid the oppression of martial law. As an alternative, the American people must have other leadership in place to counteract this grand scheme of the central banks and government. Currently, 41 governors have been seated under the original jurisdiction Republic of the United States of America thanks to Team Law, âÄúan organization founded to help people secure our original Constitutional Republic form of government.âÄù Ultimately, once the United StatesâÄô original-jurisdiction government is fully restored, the American citizenry will have the means to âÄútake America backâÄù for good, hopefully from the malevolent financiers who began corrupting it long ago. Hadley Gustin welcomes comments at [email protected].

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