Approximately two weeks ago, on March 16, University of Minnesota faculty and staff received a letter from President Bob Bruininks stating that he was proposing a 1.15 percent pay decrease for the fiscal year 2011. Yesterday I received an e-mail from the Office of the President stating that due to âÄúlaryngitis,âÄù the upcoming State of the University Address (scheduled for April 1) would be canceled. Additionally, the letter stated that the speech would not be rescheduled, âÄúsince the spring semester will end next month.âÄù The cancellation of this speech is not acceptable, given the sacrifices he has proposed for the entire faculty and staff at the University. Given the current economic climate and substantial decrease in the University budget propagated by Gov. Tim Pawlenty, we as University employees should have the right to voice our concerns to Bruininks in a forum such as the University Address instead of reading his thoughts in yet another e-mail. Brian Odlaug, University faculty
State of the University Address
by Brian Odlaug
Published March 31, 2010