The Daily editorial board should check its facts before trying to put fear into people. Guns are not as bad as reporters instigating panics. This is in response to the April 25 editorial “Fewer guns, fewer dead people.”
“Last week marked the sixth anniversary of the Columbine school shootings. Along with it, two high school students in Kansas will soon face charges for planning a similar attack. Shootings in Minneapolis also have been surprisingly common lately.” Gun control has never worked because criminals don’t obey the “gun control” laws.
“Shooting after shooting, it becomes clear the problem is that too many people are able to legally acquire handguns in America. Too many people who do legally own handguns aren’t keeping them safe from their children. What do people even need handguns for? Protection? However, if no one could buy or carry a handgun legally, no one would need a handgun to protect themselves. It is a lie for anyone to say he or she needs a handgun in case of self-defense. The shooter would pull out a gun and shoot before the victim ever could get a gun out of his or her pants. People who buy handguns are likely people who will use them in ways that affect others’ safety.” Those who steal and break the law are not doing it legally, only those who are not breaking the law would not have a gun and criminals would have be free to do as they wish.
“Minnesota’s Personal Protection Act, also known as the conceal and carry law, is very controversial legislation that allows people to carry a handgun in public with a permit. This permit is given to anyone who has not been convicted of certain violent crimes or those who have finished a prison sentence 10 years prior to applying for a permit.
“This means that someone who killed someone and served time potentially could be given a gun to legally carry in public 10 years later and the state says this is perfectly fine.” You cannot buy guns after a felony, ever. Federal law. Research this.
Charles A. Peters is a Safe Home Consulting employee. Please send comments to [email protected].