N’Ecoutez Pas” is Fly Pan Am’s post-Godspeed, post-rock, post modern noise collage. It severs ties to the band’s past efforts, making them sound very post-Fly Pan Am.
All the “posts” make the album sound disgustingly pretentious. It is not.
On the new record, Fly Pan Am varies from quiet samples of French conversations to jangly dream pop to loud static-dense noise. Because of the dramatic sound range, the album floats in and out of consciousness. At times, it blends in with other background noises in the real world. But just as the sampled sounds get comfortable in your environment, the album suddenly bursts into intense guitars that demand full attention.
Fly Pan Am derives its notoriety from frontman and guitarist Roger Tellier-Craig, who comes from the Montreal group Godspeed You Black Emperor! As other Godspeed side projects, such as A Silver Mt. Zion, Exhaust and Set Fire to Flames, Fly Pan Am will always be compared to Godspeed. “Lift Your Skinny Fists like Antennas to Heaven,” Godspeed’s monumental record, made the group an important experimental rock band. Godspeed combined the slow, hypnotic build-ups of Sigur Ros with the atmospheric sound-collages of Negativland.
Previous Fly Pan Am records sounded like a lot of side-projects: a lesser version of the main band. “N’Ecoutez Pas” however, is louder, faster and jumps around more than Godspeed.
Though this album breaks away from its roots, it shouldn’t alienate Godspeed fans. While stylistically different, Fly Pan Am captures its predecessor’s distinctive collage-noise-rock beauty.