I have a confession to make: this fashionista has bad skin, and I’m finally so tired of these stupid zits that I made an appointment at the Uptown Dermatology & SkinSpa. (1221 W. Lake St., above Roat Osha Thai and the Jon Charles salon–which was recently featured as the best salon in MN by "Elle") It got good reviews online, so I figured I’d take a chance on it, and I’m so very glad I did. It took my blonde head a minute or two to figure out how to get IN the office (hint: go to the back entrance) but once inside, I found the clinic chic, clean, and altogether impressive. My wait time was minimal, my dermatologist Becky was upbeat and friendly (as was her assistant) and they zipped my prescription to the Walgreen’s next door electronically. Plus, the magazines are all brand new–no two-year-old Newsweeks here.
I can’t recommend Uptown Dermatology highly enough. I’m going back in August for a microdermabrasion session (if I can sell enough of my clothing to afford it) so I’ll keep you posted, but I’m sure it will be wonderful!