One of the toughest things about being new to campus is finding one’s way around. Buildings and their names don’t reside in one’s mind, and in the struggle to get to class on time, the quick study of a campus map sometimes serves as only temporary relief. This is why it’s especially puzzling that our campus is riddled with construction this time of year. Main throughways are blocked with construction fencing, making it difficult for many new students to navigate.
It’s understandable that construction will take place on campus. In fact, it’s inevitable. However, it’s less understandable that the student body is not given notice of what the construction is for and where the construction will take place. It impedes the flow on campus, and students should be notified ahead of time via e-mail.
Mass e-mails are sent by campus departments throughout the year, ranging from the helpful reminder of when to buy a UPass to the essential reminder of when to pay tuition. It would be similarly helpful if the University would send the student body an e-mail about what construction is taking place on campus, where and why. While the information might be insipid, it’s still important to know. Construction on campus is far more palpable than many of the topics we currently receive e-mails about.
If the University feels like the number of mass e-mails sent out is too high, then an alternative might be to consolidate them into a monthly or bi-quarterly e-newsletter. This way, students can have adequate notification without being constantly bombarded by the University. Most students wouldn’t mind this kind of contact as long as it were informative, expected and, lest we forget, concise. It’s more likely that someone will read the e-mail if it’s important information, not a free-for-all of variegated departments vying to have their message heard.
Campus navigation can be a tricky adventure if you’re new. The campus is large, and the people are many. Construction is expected, and so is being informed. The University should try harder in the future to notify students of campus renovations or additions.