I think it’s more important than ever for “town and gown” to come together in this unsettled and challenging historical period. For this reason, I was pleased to read your Feb. 16 article about Council Member Jacob Frey’s mayoral candidacy, “In mayoral bid, Jacob Frey pledges to be visible leader.”
The immediate political reality is this: The new Trump administration will strain our ability in Minneapolis to become a successful city, both inclusive and compassionate, with the adequate financial and legal capital to make that a reality.Minneapolis needs strong, assertive leadership to stand up to the right-wing forces that now run our country’s government. That means electing a new mayor who will go big and go bold.
Of the candidates running today, I believe only Jacob Frey has the energy and the ability to unite us around a common, progressive agenda in Minneapolis.
Be sure you’re registered to vote, and make plans now to attend the April 4 precinct caucuses where grassroots organizing will produce the leader of our city for the next four years.
John Mehring
Local Resident
Editor’s Note: This letter has been edited slightly for grammar and style.