Greg Fox, vice chancellor for finance and operations at the University’s Duluth campus, is taking over as interim vice president for University services.
On Monday, Fox will take the place of Eric Kruse, who will leave the University on Feb. 22 to start a Twin Cities-based firm called Pegasus Group. There, Kruse will serve as a facilities consultant for higher education institutions, schools and private companies.
“Eric Kruse leaves this unit performing at a very high level of service for the University,” Fox said. “The most important thing that I can do is ensure that that momentum is continued.”
Fox said University President Mark Yudof contacted him last week about the new position, and he has since been busy meeting with departments to get up to speed.
“I was pleased to be asked,” Fox said. “I knew juggling two jobs is going to be hard, and it never occurred to me that I had the right to say no,” Fox said.
Fox has been with UMD since 1974, when he started as assistant director of continuing education and extension. He has been vice chancellor for finance and operations since 1988. He will continue his responsibilities at UMD, splitting time between the Duluth and Twin Cities campuses indefinitly.
Commuting between campuses will not be a concern, Fox said.
“In my current job I probably travel to Minneapolis about 50 times a year,” Fox said. “I am so used to it that, of all the problems, commuting won’t be one of them.”
At UMD, Fox oversees auxiliary services, the business office, facilities management, human resources, intercollegiate athletics, police and parking services.
“A lot of what he does at UMD is mirrored by what he’ll be doing down here,” said Tim Busse, departmental director of University services.
Fox said he will try to spend Mondays and Tuesdays in Duluth, and Thursdays and Fridays in Minneapolis. He said Wednesdays will be open for either campus.
“It’s less important where I am than that I’m doing the right things at the right time,” Fox said.
While Fox serves as interim vice president for University services, the University will look for someone to replace him in the long-term, Busse said.
Fox said the next three months will be critical to the University’s future.
“There are lots of important projects under construction and before the Legislature that really need to be sustained at a level of accomplishment that we really shouldn’t back off from,” Fox said. “We can’t slow down.”
Brad Ellingson covers faculty and
administration and welcomes comments at [email protected]