The University ought to remove its funding support from the Mount Graham telescope and in doing so, reject the faulty logic imbedded in interim University President Robert Bruininks’ “it will be built anyway” argument. Missing from the discussion is the lack of consideration associated with the University of Arizona’s planning on the Large Binocular Telescope project. The initial design aspects of the project refused to consider the cultural or environmental problems inherent in constructing such a monstrosity on sacred ground. Also tainted was the legislation used to authorize the project. Politicians circumvented ethical practice and exploited legislative loopholes to bypass not only the law, but the cultural sovereignty of American Indians. The University can send a powerful statement not only to the University of Arizona, but also to the other institutions around the country who are considering buying time at the Mount Graham telescope or constructing similar projects of their own: Research may be important, but it must be conducted in a way that does not interfere with the cultural lives of those who reside nearby.
Telescope logic is faulty
Published October 1, 2002