Sen. Al Franken will be the latest in a line of politicians to be featured in a biographic comic book from Bluewater Productions.
The comic, called "Political Power: Al Franken," will profile Franken’s time at Saturday Night Live, his radio talk show and his election battle with Norm Coleman in 2008 (and into 2009).
"Al Franken has this reputation – not completely unfounded, if you read the comic – as a metaphorical bomb-thrower, a guy who hates his enemies and has an in-your-face style," the comic’s writer Jerome Maida said in a statement. "While I did find some stuff that would support that perception, I also found out a lot more interesting stuff that makes him a real person, a character instead of a caricature."
The Political Power series has previously profiled Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Colin Powell and Ronald Reagan. Bluewater’s statement said the comics aim to be evenhanded and balanced.
The comic comes out in May.