The ongoing Minnesota’s men’s tennis program investigation has been extended, and it could be completed within six weeks, said Deputy General Counsel William Donohue.
“We’re not done yet,” he said. “We had to expand the scope (of the investigation) a little bit.”
Donohue would not comment on the nature of the investigation. But he confirmed that the inquiry is not related to academic fraud in the tennis program.
On Nov. 8, The Minnesota Daily reported that General Counsel Mark Rotenberg said the investigation would be completed and turned into the NCAA within 60 days.
Officials in the athletics department learned of the investigation in September.
Athletics Director Joel Maturi said he has not heard anything new about the investigation.
“It’s my understanding that it’s still ongoing,” he said. “I don’t know the date (it will be completed), obviously, not being involved in it.”
The Office of Athletic Compliance and the Office of the General Counsel are responsible for the investigation. The general counsel’s office oversees the compliance office.
Maturi has said compliance investigations are “not uncommon” and happen more often than they should.
The University is currently on NCAA probation stemming from 2002 infractions in the women’s basketball program and 2000 infractions in the men’s basketball program.
The current probation period is set to expire Oct. 22, 2006.