When you were looking for a date to prom, how far did your search go?
For one Oakdale senior, the answer was California.
Mike Stone was prevented from bringing his chosen date – a porn actress from the golden state – to the Tartan High School prom at Landmark Center in St. Paul.
Stone tweeted one member after another seeking someone willing to go to the prom, the Star Tribune said. Megan Piper said on her Twitter account that she would accompany the 18-year-old on May 12 as long as Stone would pay for her transportation.
Megan Piper (Source: Facebook)
Stone doesn't expect any trouble from his parents, the Pioneer Press said.
"My mom was a little mad, but my dad was ok with it," Stone said in a telephone interview Tuesday.
District Superintendent Patty Phillips said in a written statement that "this prom date will not be allowed to attend the Tartan prom as her attendance would be prohibited under Tartan's standard prom procedures and would be inconsistent with two school policies," covering visitors and the other addressing school-sponsored student activities.
The visitor policy reads, in part, that access is allowed unless "the visit is not in the best interest of students, employees or the school district."
The activities policy prohibits, among other things, any act that "substantially disrupts the orderly operation of school or school activities."
Jennifer McNeil, spokeswoman for the North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale School District, said that prom proceedures require that all dance guests have their names submitted and cleared by school officials before attending.
She also said that Stone is not in any trouble at school for his unorthodox approach for a prom date.