A week after Minnesota Student Association officials publicly condemned the Dinkytown riots following the University’s hockey championship and vowed to take action against Forum members who were involved, MSA officials have decided not to investigate allegations that at least one member participated in the melee.
MSA President Josh Colburn said the organization will not look into charges that Campus Relations Chairwoman Emie Eshmawy helped another individual set a box on fire in a driveway behind the McNamara alumni center.
Colburn said he considered handing the case over to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs, but police contacted him and said they are investigating Eshmawy.
Colburn said MSA will not look into the matter further.
“Right now, I have no physical proof,” he said. “It’s just an accusation right now.”
He added that he did not think MSA was the place to serve justice.
“I refuse to have a trial in student government,” he said.
According to the MSA constitution, an MSA member could be impeached if 10 Forum members petition the executive board, which would bring up discussion in Forum for possible impeachment.
Grounds for impeachment include substantial violation of University policy while in office.
Colburn said he did not see any reason for any Forum member to create such a petition against Eshmawy.
“She’s innocent until proven guilty,” he said.
MSA amended a previous resolution criticizing the riots. The new resolution, passed without much debate, states, “Athletic success is by no means a reason for riotous behavior.”
The resolution also declares its support for reasonable disciplinary actions against those involved in the riot.
Eshmawy was not present at the meeting.
Emily Ayshford covers student government welcomes comments at [email protected]