University President Bob Bruininks said he feels well after returning to campus Monday. He had been recovering in Washington state the past week after suffering a blood clot during a hiking trip.
“As far as I know, I’ve been given a clean bill of health,” Bruininks said.
He said he had some sort of flu bug and while he was getting checked in Washington, doctors said he had symptoms of a blood clot. He was put on blood-thinner and told not to fly back to the Twin Cities during treatment.
“This caught everybody, including me, by surprise,” Bruininks said.
But Bruininks said he’s going to get right back into work.
“I’m back at full speed right now,” he said, though he added he’s going to take it easy with exercising.
Bruininks will continue to receive follow-up treatment at University Medical Center, Fairview. He said doctors told him it was an acute ailment, meaning it is not likely to reoccur.