Hello fellow techies,
I thought that I would perhaps provide a more formal introduction to the Tech Corner than what the description says. Why me? Because I work at the Minnesota Daily and I’m bored in EE-CS, that’s why so stop asking questions.
Basically, TC2 (Twin Cities Tech Corner) is aimed at the more technical/1337 crowd at the U of M. If you dream of killing zombies or you spend your spare time overclocking your rig, this is the place for you. Right now, all we have is blogs because we’re still in the process of developing content (which we do for free because we love binary as much as the rest of you).
However, we are planning on getting a lot cooler content out there in the next few months. Some of our ideas include pro tips for games, event listings for techies, reviews of hardware/software, a Left 4 Dead server, and some other sweet ideas that we’re still tweaking. If you have any suggestions, comments, or technology related things you want the U of M campus to know about, please email us at [email protected].
So, let me brief you a little on who will be providing content for this fine addition to the Daily. As of right now, the only people who will be contributing to the Tech Corner are members of the IT staff here. We are a collection of programmers and administrators who like nothing better than pwning n00bs. Also, check out our first video post at www.mndaily.com/videos/TechCorner1.
Thanks and hope to see you in the interwebz.