Corey Donovan and Kiaora Bohlool emphasize three main points in their campaign: a diverse University community, progressive justice and a belief in students.
“We believe in diversity and that we can rejuvenate this campus,” Donovan said. “We’re going to fight for progressive justice.”
And for Donovan and Bohlool, the struggle for progressive justice includes fighting for student access to professor evaluations and the assurance that students will be given top priority during considerations for Coffman Memorial Union renovations.
The pair has also said they would like to initiate a celebration of diversity on campus in which MSA would spend a week focusing on the different groups on campus.
Although the two have some broad plans for their term in office, Donovan and Bohlool say they will likely wait until next year to define the issues they’ll concentrate on. Waiting, they say, will allow them to work with and receive input from students coming into the MSA office.
Donovan and Bohlool have also emphasized team work as a key to their candidacy and, if elected, their administration.
The U-DFL and Residence Hall Association endorsed Donovan and Bohlool in their run for office. Both are juniors in the College of Liberal Arts. Donovan is a major in political science. Bohlool is a theatre and broadcast journalism major.
A Minnesota Daily voter’s guide
Published April 22, 1997