It’s odd to be punished by having something taken away that you never wanted in the first place, like when my mother sent me to my room for being sassy. I loved my room, all my books were there, I had no interest in going outdoors. And that’s how I feel about being removed from the Scholars Walk at the University because I’ve been accused of “inappropriate behavior” by Minnesota Public Radio. I looked at the Scholars Walk once and was embarrassed to be in it.
I’m a writer, not a scholar, and writers don’t need plaques: we write books and if you wish you can read one, good luck and God bless. I wrote a slew of novels, essays, poems, have a collection of limericks on the way and am at work on a novella, “Inappropriate Behavior.” As for the accusation, it is very far from the truth: what I am guilty of was friendship, not harassment. I believe I know the difference. As for the University, I wish you all a long and happy and productive life, and if you have that, plaques don’t matter. Go to your room. Do your work.
Editor’s note: Garrison Keillor submitted this letter to the editor shortly after the Daily ran a story that his plaque was replaced on Scholars Walk.
Keillor is a former Minnesota Public Radio personality who was fired from the station in 2017 after being accused of inappropriate behavior. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1966.