The United States is either in a recession or will be soon.
Minnesota lost 2,300 jobs in December and 10 times that number over the past six months – sustaining an unemployment rate of 4.9 percent. In Michigan, where the unemployment rate is the national high at 7.5 percent, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that the jobs lost “are not coming back.” And the jobs lost in the United States are not threatening the stability of high income families. Instead, families that were once considered middle-class are now the working poor. Blue collar jobs, such as in the automobile industry, are decreasing throughout the United States.
The higher costs for energy and food in 2007 also increased inflation by the largest amount in 17 years. Consumers, consequently, are falling behind on loan payments – especially laid off workers forced to take lower-wage jobs. Without jobs with sufficient wages to support a family, debt is growing and the working class way of life in the United States is ending.
In northern Minnesota, five of seven plywood plants have closed. Many manufactures throughout the rest of Minnesota, especially in the housing industry, have also been forced to downsize.
Both Republicans and Democrats in Washington are proposing varying forms of tax cuts to assist struggling Americans and stimulate the economy. Republicans want a broad tax cut across the classes, including for businesses, similar to President George W. Bush’s tax cuts. Democrats want temporary tax cuts and spending programs for the middle and lower class.
Both may increase consumer spending temporarily, but the tax cuts would do little to address the loss of jobs and, even, the loss of industries for U.S. workers to work in – the economy would falter again.
The U.S. government needs to establish programs to train workers of gone-industries new trades and provide financial assistance through employment to ensure both short and long term U.S. economic stability. Without a renewed working class, America will continue to struggle.