As tuition costs rise, what, if anything, would you do to make college more affordable?
I want to look at the multiple ways to pay for college. I want to make it one price for four years, so when you go to school as a freshman, the cost of tuition stays the same until you graduate four years later. I want the states to look at how they spend their money and see how that could benefit our education system and strengthen our future.
What is your stance on “Obamacare”?
I’m afraid Obamacare doesn’t meet the needs of Minnesotans.
What direction should America go regarding Afghanistan?
We need to redeploy our national forces immediately.
What role do you think the U.S. should play in foreign affairs, particularly Iran and Israel?
I think that the U.S should never allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.
In November, Minnesotans will vote whether or not to constitutionally define marriage as solely between one man and one woman. What is your stance on gay marriage?
People have to make up their own minds when voting on the amendment. It’s deeply personal.
Students have cited the economy as one of their main concerns. What would you do to ensure a stable American economy as they search for jobs after school?
I think we can make more job opportunities by doing more to encourage small businesses to grow and clean up our tax code.
Can the U.S. achieve energy independence? If so, what steps do we need to take for that to happen and how long do you think it will take?
We can achieve energy independence by equalizing our own energy resources safely and responsibly.
What is the most important issue our country must deal with today and how do you plan to address it?
The most important issue is our federal debt and federal spending. I plan to work across on both sides of the aisle to consolidate programs so that the American people are served better.