Two important legal cases involving members of the University community face action in Hennepin County court soon.
ù Louis Cardona Buggs is awaiting trial for the murder of University student Kami Talley.
Talley was murdered last February at her workplace in northeast Minneapolis. Buggs was Talley’s estranged boyfriend, and had a history of domestic violence.
Talley would have graduated last June from the College of Liberal Arts.
Preliminary motions involving admission of evidence will be heard beginning Wednesday. Prosecuting attorney Judith Hawley said jury selection will then begin Jan. 13.
If Buggs is convicted of first degree murder he could face life in prison.
ù Jennifer Joan May faces her next day in court Jan. 21.
May was charged with four counts of second-degree felony assault for shooting a hole in the ceiling of University President Nils Hasselmo’s office last June.
May had another appearance in Hennepin County Court during winter break. At issue was her competence to stand trial. The court granted the defense more time to complete its own psychiatric evaluation.
Hennepin County has already performed an evaluation, as ordered in a September appearance before Judge Peter Lindberg.
The Jan. 21 hearing will determine whether or not May will stand trial for the incident.
If convicted of all four counts, she could face a maximum of 28 years in prison for the June 11 incident.
— Andrew Tellijohn