The College of Education and Human Development announced last week that its dean will be stepping down on Sept. 1.
Darlyne Bailey said she is leaving her position because of serious medical issues with her family.
Bailey will stay with the University as the assistant to President Bob Bruininks.
Bailey will also expand her role in the University Northside Partnership project and serve as the University’s representative on the “Educational Pipeline” strand of the Urban Serving Universities/Commission on the Urban Agenda
“Right now and since I’ve been here,” she said, “aside from my family there is nothing more important to me [than the University].”
Tom Sullivan, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost , said in the announcement he would consult the college on Aug. 26 about the appointment of an interim dean.
Sullivan said he has begun meetings with members of the college to discuss steps in their search.
He said the three main attributes he seeks for the position include strong leadership, management skills and the personality to work with the constituents within and outside of the college.
Sullivan said he thanked Bailey’s loyalty and continued service with the University.
“Being here at the University is a major blessing and continues to be a major blessing in my life,” Bailey said. “I remain honored to provide the leadership for this new college and I expect it to continue to soar.”
The College of Education and Human Development was reorganized in 2006 and included more than 5,000 students during the 2006-2007 school year.