Alan Greenspan, Henry Paulson, Bernie Madoff and, yes, George W. Bush all make TIME magazine’s list of 25 people to blame for the economic mess.
In the magazine’s Feb. 23 issue, a group of experts lay blame on businessmen, politicians and everybody in between for the sorry state of the economy today.

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Topping their list- Angelo Mozilo, founder of Countrywide, a mortgage lending company. wants its readers to point the finger, and currently former Sen. Phil Gramm leads a reader’s poll of whose to blame. To get TIME’s complete rundown, however, you’ll have to pick up the magazine.
Also featured– former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan (3), Bernie Madoff (19),the man allegedly behind an epic $50 billion Ponzi scheme, and Presidents George W. Bush (14), and Bill Clinton (13).
Guess who else makes the list? You.