From Oct. 6 to Oct. 20, the four members of the Minnesota Daily’s editorial board interviewed 10 candidates for the Minneapolis mayoral and city council races at the Daily’s office. The candidates were selected for interviews based off their fundraising reports as of Aug. 1 and views on critical Minneapolis issues. For the city council races, the Daily interviewed candidates from Ward 3 and 6, wards with competitive races that cover the University of Minnesota area. The 2017 Minneapolis municipal election will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 7.
The Daily’s editorial board decided on the endorsements on Oct. 23 with no employees of the Daily outside the four board members participating in the decision-making process, as is the case with every editorial written by the board. For each endorsement except Ward 6, the board also made second and third choices as Minneapolis does ranked-choice voting.
The four members of the Daily’s editorial board are Anant Naik, a biomedical engineering senior and the Daily’s editorials and opinions editor; Mike Hendrickson, a journalism senior and the Daily’s editor-in-chief; Aleezeh Hasan, a journalism and global studies junior; and Ray Weishan, a political science and sociology junior.
Our goal with these endorsements was to fairly evaluate all the candidates we interviewed. It is our opinion that readers should fill out their ballot according to our recommendations. We don’t expect everyone to agree with our views — in the case that you disagree, be sure to tell us why at [email protected].