The current University Recreation and Wellness Center T-shirt policy is good for me and the University of Minnesota.
Contrary to the sentiment of the Nov. 18 Minnesota Daily article, “Students want right to bare arms at rec,” there are many who like the current dress code policy. It strikes a balance: Dress safely and comfortably, but keep armpits covered.
Like the article, the Minnesota Student Association survey question lacked balance. The wording of the poll was begging for a positive answer. Countering that, one could ask, “Do you have a problem with the current dress code policy at the rec?” The results would likely be different.
The commercial fitness club comparison, as a source used in the Daily article, was problematic as well. The URW is not a private fitness club. The URW has an obligation to promote health and wellness to thousands of people who are forced to pay for membership. That entails fostering an inviting and energizing environment for both the hesitant and the hardcore gym-goer. At minimum, the 20-year-old freshman, 28-year-old graduate student and 58-year-old faculty member must all feel welcome.
Dropping the sleeve requirement opens other issues. For one, it raises the question of what diameter hole is acceptable for an altered T-shirt. It also opens sweaty armpits to direct contact with fitness equipment. Both are unnecessary and distract from the URW’s mission of “enriching the campus experience and encouraging healthy lifestyles.”
Keep it simple; keep the T-shirt policy.