Whew. And I thought the left’s post-election, womanly temper tantrum would dissolve by the time I got to write again.
Liberals are still comatose from Nov. 2. No more Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. No more de facto balance of power in the Senate and House. No more Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D. (That one really did my heart well.) MoveOn.org aficionados are just beginning to recover from their last “Vote-or-Die” concert acid trip to discover, “Hey, weren’t, like, those 11 gay marriage bans gonna lose or something?”
Evidently, voters just don’t like the idea of placing a milk-livered doormat in the White House. In fact, the most rational speech Kerry gave all year was his concession. Respectful, sincere, honest and concise – his surrender was every reason the Democrats got trounced.
Suddenly and mysteriously abandoning the 18-month-old explosives story, the elite media also demonstrated why, in the face of the pro-Kerry exit polls, 59 million citizens magically flocked to vote against the world’s proudest veteran.
Following the election, Paul Krugman, dunce extraordinaire, casually observed in The New York Times, “President (George W.) Bush isn’t a conservative. He’s a radical – the leader of a coalition that deeply dislikes America.”
The sophists on the Times editorial board admitted to their overwhelming loss, claiming they refuse to relinquish their so-called “principles” and “sleep with snakes.”
Jonathan Chait told 51 percent of U.S. voters in the Los Angeles Times, “You voted for Bush because of his position on one issue – he opposes gay marriage.” Oddly enough, Chait failed to note that Kerry opposes gay marriage as well. Even more curiously, Chait neglected to mention that many adults, including myself, voted for the president despite his position on gay marriage.
Ultimately, the left faltered on every front it thought it was winning. The youth vote, in spite of Rock the Vote’s infuriating draft-baiting and scare-mongering, Dave Matthews’ and Bruce Springsteen’s drug-infested Vote for Change tour, and the Michael Moore-led “slacker uprising,” never made a significant appearance.
Rappers’ temporary slip out of violence, misogynism, materialism and homophobia and into politics even did little to spur a turnout of idiot MTV-watching voters. Eminem’s new song, “Mosh,” challenges young people to join “mosh pits outside (of) the oval office.” “No more blood for oil,” Eminem mind-numbingly raps, “No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain’t loyal.”
In the interest of brevity, Eminem, you aren’t as loyal. A July 2003 Gallup Poll showed that while 80 percent of self-identified conservatives are “extremely proud” of their country, a mere 56 percent of liberals identify the same way. In short, despite their infantile “you’re-the-one who’s-unpatriotic” hysterics, liberals are not as proud of their country as conservatives are.
It’s not that the right enjoys driving this fact into the ground; it’s just that we can’t get liberals to admit to what they openly confess.
Do you think the 95,000 people who readily stomped to the Canadian border following Election Day were flag-waving grandpas from Ohio? I could point to 25,000 likely suspects on campus.
But the battle (read: thrashing) waged Nov. 2 wasn’t a fight over patriotism or Eminem or irrelevant Hollywood burnouts or the proper way to respond to the re-election of one of the left’s most hated men.
This election was driven by foreign policy and moral values – two topics of little interest to the “More-Trees, Less-Bush” crowd. Save felons, voters were not hugely disenfranchised. The Supreme Court did not decide the election. Better Life Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader was not a spoiler. Adults gave the president another four-year mandate and political capital to boot.
He has every right – better yet, the duty – to use it.
Darren Bernard welcomes comments at [email protected].