A jubilant crowd filled Cedar Avenue near 6th Avenue between the Nomad World Pub and Palmer’s Bar when Obama’s victory was annouced Tuesday night, said Jess Durant, a Minneapolis resident who had been celebrating at the Nomad. Describing the atmosphere in the Nomad as people watched election results roll in prior to Obama’s victory had been announced, Ashley Dean, a University alumna, said, “Everyone was anxious, everyone was excited, everyone was on the tip of their seat.” The Nomad was offering voters free pints of beer, Durant said. The crowd, which appeared to number at least 100, cheered and raised Obama signs in the air as honking cars made their way through the intersection. Riverside Plaza residents Khadija Hassan and Hodan Sad said they’d been rallying for Obama in different places all day. Hassan said the victory felt great. “I don’t think I’m going to sleep tonight,” she said. About a half hour after the celebration began, Minneapolis police showed up and asked people to get out of the street and stay on the sidewalk. People complied, and there didn’t seem to be any conflict. The party outside seemed to die down at about 11 p.m. as some celebrators biked away and others returned to the Nomad for Obama’s victory speech. After Obama’s victory speech, the crowd poured back into the street. People were drumming on the sidewalk, dancing on the sidewalks and in the streets and celebrating with “Obama” and “Yes we can” chants. Minneapolis Police again asked people to stay on the sidewalk, and people complied enough to avoid conflict. Revelry continued as of midnight. -Cody Zwiefelhofer contributed to this report

Image by Ali Haupt
People dance in the middle of Cedar Avenue South during an impromptu celebration following the announcement of Barack Obama’s presidential win on Tuesday. About 100 people joined in the celebration.
West Bankers celebrate Obama victory in the street
Published November 5, 2008