Jigar Madia and his running mate Bridgette Murphy say that their specific agenda for the next year sets them apart from their opponents.
The two began their campaign by assembling an agenda called “Twelve Months of Action,” in which they outlined goals they wish to accomplish each month of their term in office, if elected. The list includes improving safety on and around campus, ensuring a 15-minute maximum waiting policy for all student services on campus and initiating an improved book buy-back program with the University bookstores.
Despite doubts from some students that the two might have too much on their plate, Madia and Murphy say all their goals are attainable and that the student body needs leaders with an agenda full of ideas.
“With a new University president and three new regents, it is imperative that we choose leaders next year with a strong, clear agenda for the term,” Madia said.
The Panhellenic and Interfraternal Councils and Students Against Fee Excess have endorsed Madia and Murphy.
Madia is a sophomore in the College of Liberal Arts with a double major in political science and journalism. Murphy is a junior in the College of Human Ecology with a major in family social sciences.
Jigar Madia and his…
Published April 22, 1997