Six inches of rain fell on the University campus Tuesday evening, leaving cars stranded and roads damaged.
A section of East River Road, behind Elliot Hall, washed out on Tuesday night after the heavy rainshowers. This section of East River Road between Arlington Street and Norris Hall is closed indefinitely.
Mary Sienko, marketing manager for the University’s Parking and Transportation Services, said it is too early to tell when the road will reopen.
Maintenance crews and police responded to the situation at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. Sienko said she is not certain at what time the road washed out.
“I’m glad that nobody was around when it happened,” Sienko said.
Parking and Transportation Services is trying to figure out who is responsible for fixing the damage, Sienko said.
Assessing the damage may be passed on to Capital Planning and Project Management, because the damage may be too much for Parking and Transportation Services to handle, Sienko said.
The road is owned by the University, but the land surrounding it is owned by the city of Minneapolis. Additionally, because the damage occurred on the bank of the Mississippi River, the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization might also be involved, Sienko said.
Holly Hatch-Surisook, a coordinator for the psychology department, surveyed the damage twice Wednesday with her husband, Joe, and children Freya and Jasper.
The family said they didn’t think the damage is going to have a large effect on traffic.
Sienko encouraged people to stay away until the full extent of the damage is evaluated.
Drivers can detour the damaged section of road by taking Pleasant Street.