A week ago, the Daily stopped publishing its Friday edition with a pledge to bring you more via the Web. This weekend, the Daily sought to answer that call by unveiling our Online Weekend Edition that includes Friday news, sports scores and updates through the weekend and a comprehensive weekend entertainment guide presented by our arts and entertainment staff. With the changing newspaper industry, more readers are going to the Web to get their information. As a result, much of our efforts have been focused on mndaily.com. New at mndaily.com Aside from the new Online Weekend Edition, we recently finished our beta multimedia page. You may have noticed the slideshows for the last couple of weeks. We have had slideshows from our photographers at ObamaâÄôs inauguration, demolition of the Science Classroom Building and more. But we will now have videos on our site regularly, and will soon reimplement podcasts and audio slideshows. Both our slideshows and video players were designed and made by our online staff. We will likely be making improvements to this beta page, as well as the video player, in the weeks to come. The multimedia section page now includes videos, slideshows, the photo blog and featured photos. Our multimedia section uses the latest flash technology, which means you do need to have the latest flash player to view slideshows and videos. WeâÄôll continue to upgrade its design and add new features. Our online staff also created a way for you to add our new mndaily.com Facebook application that allows you to get story updates on your very own profile page and to share Daily stories with your friends. We know tuition is high and the economy isnâÄôt doing too well. As students, we try to save money anywhere we can, especially when it comes to expensive textbooks. We now feature a module on our website that allows you to search for textbooks. The books are found through campusbooks.com, but the search is readily available on our website for your benefit when youâÄôre scouring for deals on books. To serve readers who will soon graduate or are simply looking to get experience at a job, we partnered with monstertrak.com to provide a job search module that allows you to search for job postings in your area. New in print The Daily staff has been busy working to bring more features that serve studentsâÄô needs online and in print. This semester, we added a new fashion column by the DailyâÄôs fashionista Kara Nesvig. Kara writes about the latest fashion trends on campus, whatâÄôs hot and whatâÄôs not. KaraâÄôs column will also occasionally profile students that have trendy looks on campus and will include photos, as well. On Page 2, we have also begun to preview online exclusives, letting you know whatâÄôs happening on our website that you canâÄôt get by picking up the paper. âÄîVadim Lavrusik is editor in chief and Son Huynh is the online manager at the Daily. They both welcome comments at [email protected] and [email protected].
Pushing to give you more
The Daily implemented a new Tuesday fashion column, multimedia, a weekend online edition and more.
Published February 1, 2009