As we rapidly approach the end of the semester, I have only one thought: Try, just try, to limp to the finish line.
For most of my college career, I have started to feel things unravel toward the end as I’m sure many other students have. That feeling makes it even harder to clamp down and push through. So how do we reset patterns and combat this tendency?
I’ve always admired people who make decisions that’ll benefit them later on. You set yourself up to succeed — like a chess game of well-being, you’re several steps ahead of yourself.
This mentality comes in all shades and cadences. Maybe it means cutting up vegetables ahead of time, so you’re more inclined to make a good meal for yourself later. Maybe it’s getting up a little earlier because you know that you thrive on a leisurely-paced, low-stress morning routine. I myself don’t speak from experience with these examples, but I am fascinated by my friends that follow these rituals.
It is a form of passive self-sabotage to neglect yourself. It takes a little more time and effort, but it’s worth it for the sake of fueling yourself. Especially in college, it’s important to learn how to look out for yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Something I’m trying to work on is building up internal validation and self-confidence. So often we hang on the encouragement and approval of others when it’s far more essential have belief in your own efficacy and capability. Keep it on a low simmer, a little murmur that remains unflappable.
Luckily, there’s still time to rally. There’s still time to practice being your own biggest supporter. You can still switch up routines and habits, or at least that’s what I’m trying to do. Don’t barely squeak by — thrive.