Two thefts from cars over Tuesday night in the Como neighborhood came just blocks and hours apart.
The first theft took place near the 1000 block of 11th Avenue Southeast, according to a police report.
Sagal Dualeh said she found items in her Mazda Tribute thrown around Wednesday morning. Her credit card and a newly bought jewelry box were missing, she said, along with her vehicle title.
When she called the credit card company, she found that someone had already used the card at a gas station.
Dualeh, who has lived in her house since 2006, said she has never had a problem before.
The second theft took place near the 1000 block of 16th Avenue Southeast at about the same time.
A University of Minnesota student found her garage door open Wednesday morning, according to a report.
After unlocking the driver’s side door, she found items from the pockets of the door thrown around the inside of the car. She said her bag containing change was missing and her passenger door was open.
Nick Juarez, Minneapolis police crime prevention specialist for the Second Precinct, said these types of thefts can happen because cars sit unattended for extended periods of time.
If they are close to the University, students may choose to ride their bikes instead, he said.