While "Tokyo!", directed by Michel Gondry, Bong Joo-Ho and Leos Carax looks completely frenetic, psychotic and ingenious in itself, some of its contents are inspiring more media that rivals its utter weirdness.
Apparently, in Leos Carax portion of the film, a man who lives in the sewer speaks a language that only he and one other man can speak. It appears slightly Germanic, which is ultra-strange considering it is set in Tokyo. The director told Wired that he came up with it because "It occurred to me that this man should really be coming out of nowhere. A kind of child-monster, the absolute immigrant, a primeval creature, the remnant of a lost civilization."
He liked the language (Merdogon) so much that he and Denis Lavant and VV from The Kills made some music videos. What do you think? Kind of disturbing, although it makes the wait for "Tokyo!" that much more difficult. Check out the preview here: