Targeted efforts by police have worked to tame a recent spike in burglaries in the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood this fall.
Community members have cited an increase in burglaries in Marcy Holmes, many of which have been concentrated on the block of 8th Street Southeast and 15th Avenue Southeast, near the Radius apartments. Minneapolis and campus police departments have been tackling this small uptick in crime through increased patrols and other security measures.
Cody Hoerning, a board member of Southeast Como Improvement Association and a member of the 2nd Precinct Advisory Council, compiled data from the Minneapolis Police Department, finding a 30 percent increase in burglaries in the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood from October 2017 to October 2018. Of the 15 burglaries reported in the neighborhood over this time frame, many occurred around the Radius apartments.
According to the University of Minnesota Police Department daily crime log, six burglaries have been reported from Radius since the start of the academic year, more than any other University of Minnesota residence. Chris Lautenschlager, executive director of the Marcy-Holmes Neighborhood Association, said while reports of burglaries do tend to increase during the fall, he hopes Radius will improve its security with its new ownership.
“Security detail is not as robust as we would like it to be [at Radius],” he said.
MNHA board member Marcus Mills said he has noticed more criminal activity around the corner of 8th Street Southeast and 15th Avenue Southeast. While general increases in crime can be attributed to population growth in the area, that does not explain the concentration on that block, he said. “If that was true, it would be more spread out,” Mills said.

A statement from the University noted Radius has all the same safety features as other University residences, including regular staff members, a 24-hour information desk and security monitors from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
“Radius security is designed to be the same format and schedule as other university operated residence halls and apartments,” the statement read.
University junior Lydia Clinton, who lived in Radius last year, said she never experienced an instance of feeling unsafe during her time there. Clinton said her experience at Radius was similar to her experience at Centennial residence hall.
“I felt no more or less safe at one or the other,” she said.
Campus and Minneapolis police have collaborated this fall to tackle the higher burglary rate in Marcy-Holmes, increasing overtime patrolling in the area. Minneapolis Police Department 2nd Precinct Inspector Todd Loining said he arranged for 96 hours of overtime patrol shifts in Marcy-Holmes over a four-week time period at the beginning of the school year. Marcy-Holmes has also seen more overtime patrol than any other 2nd precinct neighborhood over the past four months.
This effort is “in an attempt to address the ongoing Burglary of Dwelling crimes that have been occurring,” according to an emailed statement from Loining.
Emma Dill contributed to this report.