Since tonight is the last Presidential debate and I encourage you all to watch it, here is a list of two places, times, and the groups who are hosting them for your viewing pleasure! – The Whole Music Club in Coffman Memorial Union; 8 p.m.; MPIRG, MSA, and GAPSA – Willey Hall Room 175; 7:30 p.m.; University of Minnesota Debate Team (Commentary by University faculty members) If anyone knows of any other viewing parties, their time, locations, and associated groups, please post the information in the comments section! For those of us who would prefer to watch McCain and Obama battle it out one last time from our own comfy couches, the debate will be broadcast starting at 8 p.m. on Twin Cities Metro channels 2 (PBS), 4 (CBS), 5 (ABC), and 11 (NBC). For those of us with Comcast, the debate will also be on channels 3 (CNN), 21 (CSPAN), 60 (CNBC), 62 (MSNBC), and 63 (FOX and starts at 7:30). How many times will Obama say the word change? How many times will McCain call himself and/or Sarah Palin mavericks? Find out tonight! Megan Hanson City Desk Intern
Presidential Debate Watching
by Megan Hanson
Published October 15, 2008