On Friday, a number of Cedar-Riverside community members and Riverside Plaza tenants convened at the Brian Coyle Center gymnasium, where translators and local councilmembers listened to a myriad of complaints. From accusations of marijuana-smoking guards to broken elevators, some residents are concerned for their safety and left questioning what happened to the $132 million that was invested in Riverside Plaza in 2012. This isnâÄôt the first time this community has voiced concerns regarding their treatment as tenants. And last year, residents explained the difficulties surrounding the amount of crime in the area. ItâÄôs important to remember that âÄúimmigrants are less likely than non-immigrants to commit crimes,âÄù University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs professor and immigration expert Katherine Fennelly told the Minnesota Daily last year. Many of the problems that this areaâÄôs residents face have no easy solutions. On top of that, many residents have trouble communicating their grievances to those in charge or refuse to speak to management because of cultural differences. We are optimistic that if meetings such as this one continue with translation and other services provided, progress can be made. From the concerns that tenants raised on Friday, itâÄôs clear there is still much work to do to ensure a safe and fair living environment to the Riverside Plaza community. Sherman Associates, which manages the apartment complex, has stated that its employees will undergo more sensitivity training, among other changes, which is a positive start.
Address concerns in Riverside Plaza
Published April 8, 2015