“There’s nothing like a good anal slurping.”
—Middlebrook dining hall
Person 1: “What if the building is really burning down?”
Person 2: “There’s people saying ‘hi’ through the window …”
—Middlebrook Hall
Person 1: “I was in the shower when the fire alarm went off.”
Person 2: “That’s why I pulled it.”
—Middlebrook Hall
Guy 1: “Everyone has a good hand job story!”
Guy 2: “I don’t …”
—Comstock dining hall
Professor: “As you probably noticed, I’m not Professor Jalan. I think he got the T-1 virus from ‘Resident Evil.’”
—Amundson Hall
Professor: “In what country is corn produced the most?”
Student: “Iowa!”
—Willey Hall
Guy: “I love midterms because they just yell, ‘Prepare for me!’ but those stupid quizzes just lie to you, they’re like, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be here for you,’ so I never end up studying for them.”
—Nicholson Hall
Professor: “There are three ways to get undergrads involved: fire, parafilm and sex!”
Girl 1: “If I was in a frat, I would have to run like 40 miles a day to make up for all the beer I drink.”
Girl 2: “That’s why they have trillion-dollar gyms in the basements of all the houses.”
Girl 1: “Really?!”
Girl 2: “… No.”
—Campus Connector
“I’m really afraid of fruit. Like, if I get in a fight with someone and they hold up a banana, I’m done.”
—Walter Library
Professor: “I painted my nails pink. … Does that counteract the death comment?”
—Smith Hall