Some members of the University of Minnesota have rank, specific positions and highfalutin governmental duties to worry about. Others are content with classwork and being called “sheriff” by a man outside Sssdude-Nutz this morning.
The Minnesota Student Association is one organization with well-defined responsibilities. Following a controversial election — bribery allegations were tossed around — and trust issues, the realization of MSA’s duties have become murkier.
The possibility exists for any organization with a hierarchy to ignite ignoble actions throughout its history. The elections have passed, but everybody remains a player in ensuring controversy doesn’t characterize the rest of the school year and interfere with the quality of the changes to come. For the case of MSA, the broader student body is no less critical, and now it is more attentive to the group’s activities.
Organizations are not flawless, which is why the uniting power of community should remain the inspiration that moves MSA forward. Baggage from behind the scenes will be a hindrance, but students always keep the capacity — dare I say the duty — to support and guide the organizations whose purposes are to bring students’ desires to fruition.
No one’s infallible, and whether or not it comes due to financial burden or from the avalanche of organizational risks, I want to keep myself observant of my needed contribution to a campus-wide alliance, which is most effective when it bolsters campus communication.
Focusing on the bigger picture relies on a focus of teamwork and support. During hard times, MSA must bring the strongest resolutions and agreeable forecasts.