Every now and then, tables need to be turned. If you typically read my columns, then you know I have a tendency to shine a fairly harsh light on the reality of relationships and men. However, I know it would be downright foolish of me not to look at the faults of my own gender. Women can be manipulative, using seduction techniques to lure men into a stupor for their own advantage. Yes, womanizers prowl the University of Minnesota campus, but so do maneaters. âÄúManeater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love,âÄù Nelly Furtado sings in her now infamous, eponymous anthem. More specifically, a maneater is a beautiful and intoxicatingly charismatic woman. She lures in the man, allowing him to believe he is her one and only. In reality, he is one of several waiting patiently at her door. She may be sleeping with them, or she may just be giving empty promises of a relationship. She is well versed in the ways in which the male mind works and enjoys watching her prey chase her. The maneater is the female version of a womanizer. Most women hate not only the player but also the game; not so for the maneater. Recently, one such woman, Rozlyn Papa, has been the most controversial contest on ABCâÄôs âÄúThe Bachelor.âÄù Papa was kicked off the reality contest within the first few episodes after an alleged sexual relationship with a producer was revealed. This past Monday, âÄúThe BachelorâÄù had a âÄúWomen Tell AllâÄù special before the airing of the March 3 finale. During PapaâÄôs portion of the interview, she avidly denied the affair, even though other women provided eyewitness accounts of sexual encounters. The women werenâÄôt the only ones to come forward with information about the affair. According to âÄúE! News,âÄù the producer in question also told Ryan Seacrest that he did in fact have sex with Papa. Despite all the information that has surfaced, Papa still denies the affair. Meanwhile, sheâÄôs decided one scandal is just not enough. Papa reportedly has a sex tape being sent to various pornography companies. Papa vehemently denies this report as well, but according to New York Daily News, Kevin Blatt, a representative from the pornography site Livejasmin.com, claims he has seen the tape. The stunning contestant has more than earned her maneater title. But PapaâÄôs fiercely independent and promiscuous peers can be found all over campus. Just as women use stereotypes to assist them in spotting the womanizer, there are stereotypes that hold up for the maneating women as well. And men should really be aware of them. Maneaters are easy to spot âÄî almost annoyingly so. A maneater can usually be spotted in a least one of your classes over any given semester. SheâÄôs the girl wearing a skirt and UGG boots in subzero temperatures. You know who I am talking about. She struts in, bare thighs in tow. All the women glare as the men pick their jaws up off of the floor. One thing maneaters are handicapped in is the idea of moderation. HereâÄôs a rule of thumb, ladies: Show one of three things when trying to impress a man: legs, boobs or midriff. The maneater can usually be spotted flaunting all three. The last sign I notice about the maneater is that she is usually the woman who binge drinks at the bar while flirting with anything that has a useful appendage below the belt. Many maneaters look for sex inside or outside of a relationship or they just enjoy dangling the thought of sex as bait in front of their male victim. Shockingly, men are the ones who have gained a bad sexual reputation even though some women have proven themselves to be just as bad as their male counterparts. Perhaps the phenomenon of cheating best illustrates the error in perception. While 57 percent of men have admitted to cheating, 54 percent of women have as well, according to a study by Infidelity Facts. The study reports that sex is a secondary concern for most women cheaters. First and foremost, they are seeking an emotional connection they feel is lacking at home. This idea does make sense in some respect, but I think it is a generalization. In my opinion, women have an emotional connection with the man they are with, even if it is weak. Possibly, they are seeking a stronger connection, but a one-night stand with someone else would not fulfill that need. Therefore, even if theyâÄôd like to use the emotional connection as an excuse, it is undeniable that the sex definitely has the biggest pull in an affair. The affair is naughty, which makes it momentarily nice. Before women point a judging finger at men for their perverted minds, maybe we should take a humbled look at our own thoughts. It is true that men have higher sex drives than women. Men are concerned with passing on their genetics, and women are more concerned with finding a financially stable partner who can support the genetics that have been passed on, University of Chicago sociology professor Edward O. Laumann says on WebMD. However, with maneaters, this doesnâÄôt seem to be the case. These women seem to be more testosterone based, even if they are not necessarily looking to pass on their own genetics. Not all men are womanizers, just as not all women are maneaters, but it would be ignorant to believe that these women are not lurking on campus. Men, take extreme caution when proceeding into a relationship with a suspected maneater. She canâÄôt wait to rip your heart out and feed it to her cat on a silver platter. Paige Vigil welcomes comments at pvigil@mndaily.com.
Maneaters: The women who lust for your pain
Men, your heart can’t afford to ignore the telltale signs of a maneater.
by Paige Vigil
Published March 1, 2010