The University Alumni Association’s national board passed a resolution Saturday to donate $1 million toward a new football stadium and another $500,000 toward scholarships.
“A lot of alumni feel there should be a stadium back on campus,” said Dennis Schulstad, vice president of the association. “We’d like to prime the pump and find out if there is enough money among alumni and friends to support the stadium.”
The association voted last year to support any on-campus stadium initiatives.
Alumni felt bringing football back to campus would enhance the college experience for current students.
“Very few moments or experiences in my life from a sports perspective were as magical as a football Saturday at the University of Minnesota when the stadium was on campus,” said board member Edward Cracraft. “The experience is completely lost with the Metrodome.”
The donation could be funded in part or in full by an endowment fund. The association can also use credit card revenue as a significant source of funding, Cracraft said.
Each purchase made on one of credit cards the association offers through Bank One supports the association, according to its Web site.
“Personally, I think we should provide more funding,” Cracraft said. “There’s so much enthusiasm for this.”
The Alumni Association has contributed to other scholarships and campus building projects, including the now-demolished Memorial Stadium, Northrop Auditorium, Coffman Union and the McNamara alumni center.