This is in response to both Sean Cahill’s Dec. 9 column “Language proficiency tests should be dropped,” and Sean Corcoran’s Dec. 11 letter “Keep the GPT.” I have to agree with Cahill’s argument for eliminating the Graduation Proficiency Test.
I do feel that learning a second language is a very beneficial experience that all students should take advantage of, not only in the College of Liberal Arts but in all areas of study. The problem I see with the second language requirement lies with the taking of the GPT.
Although I believe that learning a second language is beneficial, there is a better way to enforce this requirement. I propose that the GPT no longer be required but that students be “tested” in another fashion.
Instead of having to worry about taking the GPT, second language classes should be treated just as any other class in a student’s major. In order for the class to count, a student must earn a C- or better.
Also, each student should only be required to take two semesters of a language in order to give people time to focus their attention on classes that are pertinent to their majors.
I believe that students who take two semesters of a language and earn a C- or better would be able to pass the GPT anyway, because they would have had to at least put forth some effort during the term to earn a C-.
The GPT seems to be a sticky subject, but as college students, we need to start making decisions about our future on our own. If we do not feel a second language is beneficial to our futures, don’t hold our hand and tell us it is the right thing to do; let us make that decision, since we always learn most from our own mistakes!