The Minnesota Daily has once again shown its true colors. While I would hope that the editorial board would be fair and balanced before ripping into our elected officials, it is obvious that the editorial writers could just not wait.
In the editorial “A classless Coleman emerges already” (Nov. 12), this paper’s editorial board asserts that by suggesting that he take over the vacant Senate seat, Senator-elect Norm Coleman is showing more concern for personal gain than for the welfare of Minnesota.
But what is the argument? Are we to believe that the politically inexperienced man who was appointed by a lame-duck governor has a better mandate from the populace than our senator-elect?
Are we also to forget that any extra experience or seniority that Coleman would attain by being our interim senator would increase the chances of him representing Minnesota in important Senate bodies such as the agriculture, nutrition and forestry committees?
Finally, are we to believe that the state of Minnesota, and indeed the nation, would be best represented by Sen. Dean Barkley, who despite any personal greatness has no experience and is little more than a placeholder put in on a whim by Gov. Jesse Ventura?
I think not. Instead, we should ask if the Daily editorial board is indeed representing the University students and staff fairly, or if they are merely looking for something, anything with which to bash our Republican elected officials.
Give credit where credit is due, but hold off the criticism for when it is truly warranted. It will at least give the appearance of objectivism.